You’ve heard about Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and Discipleship Training Schools (DTS). But did you know that there are more courses designed to take you deeper into specific topics after DTS? The nine-month Chronological Bible Core Course (CBCC) was created to enable those from all walks of life to participate in a University of the Nations CBCC part-time while continuing with their day-to-day responsibilities. It is designed to give you a thorough understanding of the Inductive Bible Study approach by learning how to employ various methods for reading, interpreting, and applying the Scriptures!
Our team had split into 2 smaller teams to preach the Gospel in a small village on a mountain. In this part of Asia, every village or region has their own language. We needed two translators. One translator spoke both the national language and the village language. The other translator spoke the national language and English. Confusing, I know!